
ELEnin Dwarf Star Warning September 26, 2011

The data says we are looking at an inbound dwarf star that has been causing earthquakes on our planet since 1965 and causing magnetic pole migration since about 2004. The evidence indicates that Earth will experience a pole shift event around 9/26 to 9/27, when the Sun, Earth and this ELE object are on the ecliptic/celestial planes that intersect at the autumn equinox. Everyone is warned to prepare for what is coming later this summer that will make Japan 3/11 look like a walk in the park.



Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2010_X1

Seismicity Paper: http://lanl.arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1104/1104.2036.pdf

Magnetic Portal Paper: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2008/30oct_ftes/

Gravity Well pic:http://www.stonecirclealternatives.com/images/Gravity%20well%20sun-earth.jpg

ELE JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=elenin;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#cad

Planet X ELE Timeline: http://planetxtownhall.com/index.php?topic=2192.0

Russian Warning Link: http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2011/03/01/russian-warning-issued-over-%E2%8...

Track ELE Post: http://planetxtownhall.com/index.php?topic=2193.0

ELE 48/49/44 Leo Pic:http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c266/Terral03/ELE484944Leopins.jpg

ELE JPL Coordinate Updates: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi#results

Surviving ELE: http://planetxtownhall.com/index.php?topic=2407.0

I am sending everyone in the USA to the Ozarks. This is our survival topic with maps and instructions on exactly what to do and where to be when the crap hits the fan.
Join our Planet X Dwarf Star Research room with comments and questions:

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Our channel: http://chat.paltalk.com/g2/paltalk/1390262503


Aquarius. the DANCE

When the moon is in the seventh house
and jupiter aligns with mars
The peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars

this is the dawning of the age of aquarius
the age of aquarius


harmony and understanding
sympathy and trust abounding
no more falsehoods or derisions
golden living dreams of visions
mystic crystals revelations
and the minds true liberation


when the moon is in the seventh house
and jupiter aligns with mars
then peace will guide the planets
and love will steer the stars

this is the dawning of the age of aquarius
the age of aquarius

Unknown people conversations

  • A nice thing about Digital Social Network is that I can follow other user conversations as if I would be siting in a coffee and listening to the conversation of the neighbors, with the surplus of being able to choose who do i want to be siting at my side...

    Carles Casallachs, 5 okt 2011

    I raise the question of "2012: Destruction or a change of Consciousness?" to get a sense of what other people think of 2012. I believe that we are and have already begun a change." The Zeitgeist Movement", which has nothing to do with 2012, is calling for social change. "Daniel Pinchbeck" and I'm sure many others are also calling for a change in global consciousness.

    What do you think? The end of the world or a change in consciousness?

  • Sarah
    I definitely think something is going to change at this time, if not this exact date, a few years around it. I have read evidence that the age of pisces will end shortly and we will enter the age of acqarius. I have also read that the age of pisces coincided with the rise of Christianity, I can only guess at what that implies. This movie can go one of two routes; it can persuade audience members to think negatively about the consequences of the decisions of the previous age or provide them a visual scenario of the human species' progression toward the light. This film deserves a poor review thus far because it involves too many theories about the same phenomenon rather than letting the audience choose one or two theories to think about. In order for this film to be successful it must be at least three hours long.

  • Lou
    You have raised some good points. In judging from the trailer, it is obviously going to be doom and gloom. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good block buster. My concern is the projection into the psyche of humanity as having destruction as the only way out.

  • Lou
    Dios es un mito.

  • Anthony
    If I may throw my two cents in: In the Taoist traditions there is a belief that the body follows the Qi, and the Qi follows the mind, which is really the same as the Quantum classic, Zeno's Paradox, which states that an observer can perturb and alter an outcome of an event by simply observing it with an intention in mind. I believe 2012 will follow the same rules. What ever change will occur will do so in a very subjective way. For those who want change, change will occur. For those who don't believe that anything will happen, it will very well be just another day in Mayberry!

  • De
    Nature programmed up. She is the only one with a plan, always was and always will be that way. As humans - thinking of others first on a planetary bases might be a good start to raising awareness even if as a species we are tested by her plan for infinity or until some 'event' wipes our species out. All we have is fractions of seconds, make the most of every one of them. Be nice to yourself too.

  • Jozza
    The Mayan calander goes on well after 2012, the 2012 refrences coincide with the time before mayan culture arose....where there was upheaval and lost races....approx 10,500 bc. If anything they may have aqquired knowledge of asteroids orbits from elsewhere....but its not the end of the world......even if humans are wiped out the world will carry on. It could simply be a change in consciouness.....but what would govern that?? its foolish 2 believe planetary allignnment could influence something THAT much, and if it did, you really need to question our place in the universe.

  • Sammi
    Listen. No one was alive while the Mayans were. No one. Absolutely no one. None of us on Facebook. Or in the USA. Or in the world. It was way too long ago for any of us to have been alive. So who knows maybe there is still an island hidden somewhere in an ocean, under water, and the rest of the calender, after 2012, got so wet that it was ripped to pieces and scattered everywhere. By now, animals must have eaten them. EVER THOUGHT OF THAT? If the world does end (not saying it will), then it's all good. When we all die, we'll be in Heaven with all our friends. Better than just dying and having to wait for your family, friends, and even pets!

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward 2011

This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles ADDED!]


Elenin Comet. Earthquake. Nasa' comunicate obout Family Emergency Plan


"Se gesta el advenimiento de una nueva especie humana"

"Se gesta el advenimiento de una nueva especie humana"

Thérèse Brosse, divulgadora del holismo, presentó en Madrid su obra 'Conciencia-energía' 

La doctora cardióloga Thérése Brosse, una joven y vital octogenaria, presentó en Madrid su obra Conciencia-energía, en la que se recogen las bases científicas de una reciente y vanguardista ciencia, el holismo, que considera al hombre en su totalidad. Esta investigadora es una de las pioneras del último paradigma admitido en la ciencia actual: la existencia de una conciencia universal, de naturaleza energética, por encima de los dos niveles hasta ahora considerados como únicos constituyentes del ser humano (el psíquico y el fisiológico). Brosse habla de los descubrimientos en el campo de la microfísica como evidencia irrefutable de esta teoría. 

Pregunta. ¿Por qué se interesó en un dominio tan controvertido, considerado incluso metafísico, como el de la conciencia?
Respuesta. Todo comenzó en 1934, cuando era jefa de Cardiología Clínica en la facultad de Medicina de París, en donde realizaba registros eléctricos de anomalías del aparato circulatorio. Allí pude observar que una actividad mental simple originaba una regularización cardiovascular, mientras que si el paciente era conmovido por el miedo a no realizar una tarea más difícil, los desórdenes se acentuaban. Sabiendo que las emociones venían del diencéfalo y que el estado intelectual estaba en relación con la corteza-cerebral, era evidente que la puesta en juego, desde el punto de vista estructural evolutivo, regulaba automáticamente y, sin ningún esfuerzo otro inferior (el diencéfalo en este caso). Fue entonces cuando me planteé si no habría un tercer nivel que regulase al intelectual o mental y, por ende, al resto. Esta inquietud fue parcialmente calmada cuando, en tres misiones científicas a la India, efectué registros en los yoguis Y aprecié que ellos trascendían de la dualidad psicosomática: había, pues, un tercer nivel, puramente energético, conocido no sólo hace 7.000 años por los vedas, sino también por los físicos. La conciencia pasó a ser, a partir de ese momento, objeto de mis investigaciones.
"La conciencia es un vacío cuántico"
P. ¿Quiere decir que la física tiene puntos en común con la filosofía oriental?
R. Efectivamente. La conciencia no es más que un vacío cuántico. El físico suizo Lawrence Domash, por ejemplo, afirma que la conciencia pura es la última esencia del universo, comprendido el universo físico. En realidad, la evolución de la ciencia ha descubierto la conciencia gracias a sus experimentos sobre la materia: los resultados de la física cuántica, relativa a ondas y partículas, es exactamente lo mismo que experimentan los místicos en su vida interior. La investigación sobre la naturaleza de partículas menores a los cuantas, descubiertos por Planck, presuponen divisiones cada vez mayores, hasta llegar al dominio de lo universal. En este sentido, el físico Stephan Lupasco ha definido un sistema energético microfísico, que se encuentra en todos los demás sistemas, en todas partes, jugando un papel de catalizador y de, origen mismo del resto de los niveles. Si a ello se añade el hecho de que el estado cuántico de la materia es también tributario de la conciencia del observador, que todo en el mundo es energía y la equivalencia entre materia y energía (ya postulada por Einstein), nos encontramos con un nivel energético supremo y universal. La conciencia, así, ha sido expresada en el lenguaje de las matemáticas como un operador y, en términos cuánticos, como una función de onda. Para la tradición oriental tántrica, en cambio, es una fuerza eterna, que se expresa tanto en el hombre como en el universo; una energía consciente, ya que la conciencia es energía.
P. Pero si la conciencia es energía y es universal, ¿dónde se localiza en el ser humano?
R. El neurofisiólogo, norteamericano Pribran, de la Universidad de Stanfórd, investigando sobre la localización de la memoria en el cerebro, descubrió que no la había, sino que se trataba de una serie de ruedas energéticas, entremezcladas entre sí, portadoras de la información general, que se encontraban en el cerebro, en un campo energético que no tenía límites. Así, llegó a la conclusión de que la conciencia es un holograma, o sea, un dominio o un campo de potenciación y de frecuencia, que está por debajo de un universo concreto. Curiosamente, un premio Nobel de Física, el británico David Bhon, afirma que también universo es holográfico y que origina una serie de imágenes concretas a través de fluctuaciones energéticas. La unión de ambas concepciones holográficas implica, pues, todas las posibilidades energéticas. Por tanto, no importa la localización orgánica de la conciencia, ya que, al tratarse de un holograma, todos los puntos contienen información de la totalidad: lanzando un rayo láser a un punto determinado del cerebro se encuentra información completa.
"El cuerpo contiene todos los niveles de conciencia"
P. ¿Qué papel juega el cuerpo en dichas manifestaciones energéticas y en el cosmos?
R. El papel del cuerpo es muy importante para el conocimiento de uno mismo, ya que él contiene la totalidad energética de todos los niveles de conciencia que, estando integrados, repercuten los unos sobre los otros: el sistema macrofísico, con los elementos constitutivos de nuestra materia; el sistema biológico de nuestro dinamismo vivo; el sistema psíquico de nuestras emociones y de nuestro intelecto y, por encima de todo, el sistema microfísico de nuestra universalidad y nuestras potencialidades evolutivas (la conciencia). Así, el despertar de la conciencia corporal entre los terapeutas de vanguardia es capital para nuestro período crucial de mutación, en el curso de la cual el descenso en nosotros de la energía cósmica bajo su forma supramental necesitará una transmutación biológica, que será la base de una nueva especie, cuyo cuerpo tendrá capacidad para expresar y sentir su unidad con el cosmos y todos los seres que encierra. Algunos yoguis, por ejemplo, han llegado ya a ello: son capaces, mediante determinadas técnicas, de ir desligando la conciencia nivel por nivel, hasta reintegrarla en lo un¡versal y lo absoluto; son capaces de impedir las fluctuaciones mentales, y así la conciencia se encuentra en el estado propio (los fenómenos paranormales que ello conlleva no son nada del otro mundo). Este desligamiento, de los principios energéticos está de acuerdo con los descubrimientos científicos acerca de la cronaxis de subordinación en el sistema nervioso, donde cada nivel superior regulariza el inferior.
P. Al parecer, la energía biológica se expresa mediante vibraciones. Usted parte de "vibraciones generalizadas" como una manifestación óptima; ¿quiere decir que hay pasos sucesivos, zonas que liberar?
R. Exactamente. La materia es un ritmo; la sustancia (sólida, líquida o gaseosa) es una frecuencia, y la energía vibratoria es la energía de la existencia. Nuestra energía biológica se expresa mediante vibraciones rítmicas, que es posible recoger experimentalmente sobre la superficie del cuerpo, sobre todo en ciertas zonas. Estas modulaciones, que se han denominado ondas periódicas lentas, varían su morfología según el nivel de conciencia del cual emanan, ya que los niveles son jerárquicos: su ritmo es tanto más lento cuanto más elevado es el nivel.
P. ¿Qué trascendencia pueden tener sus investigaciones para las generaciones futuras?
R. Debido al hecho de la estrategia evolutiva de la filogénesis, así como de la ontogénesis, las generaciones nacen con una conciencia cuyo potencial de comprensión es superior al de la precedente; tanto más cuanto su medio social ya es más evolucionado, gracias, sobre todo, a que los métodos pedagógicos han sido liberados de una gran parte de los antiguos tabúes y que el cuerpo de sus progenitores habrá sufrido una transformación vibratoria favorable. Hoy día, que tendemos espontáneamente hacia lo universal, se hace posible, incluso deseable, retornar personalmente al sí mismo que está en nosotros para participar del trabajo en curso. Nuestra época evolutiva en Occidente tiene sed de universalidad. Esto es la consecuencia de un cambio evolutivo natural, del cual me siento partícipe, junto con otros muchos, científicos o no.



EU: People vs Banks

Unbelievable, they're doing it again. Our governments are giving even more free taxpayer money to banks!

Absolutely, we need to bailout Greece to save Greece, save Europe, and save the Euro. But the current bailout makes us the taxpayers pay back banks for 90% of their foolish investments. Greek people don't get a cent of investment, and we give a ton of money to rich bankers. And even worse - 30% of our money will go to speculators who will actually make a massive profit from gambling on a bailout!

How on earth did our governments write a bailout plan that floods banks and speculators with our money and leaves Greece with nothing? The answer -- they actually asked bankers to write the agreement. Our finance ministers are meeting in 3 days to decide on this plan -- let's send them and our parliaments a massive call to go back to the drawing board, and bailout Greece, not the banks:

At a time when money is tight everywhere and our most vital social programs are being cut, governments are caving in to powerful banking lobbies. But they say they are also worried that some banks can't absorb the loss of their Greek investments and will fail if they don't get a bailout. But if we get into trouble and ask a bank for help, they don't give us free money, they give us a loan, or an investment. Now the banks are in trouble and coming to us, why would we treat them any differently? Instead of giving away money, let's loan to or invest in the banks, and ask them to pay us the taxpayers back at a healthy rate of interest!

This is what Gordon Brown did in the UK and Obama did in the US - when banks were in danger of failing, they didn't bail them out with free money, they bought in with loans and investments. And as soon as a year later, the taxpayers made a profit from the deal! This deal is corruption, pure and simple. There's no public interest argument for giving banks and speculators a massive windfall like this, and there's every reason to try and protect public finances. Instead of giving that money away, we can invest it, in Greece, and in our own societies' abilities to recover and rebuild from the financial crisis. It's time for our politicians to stop hiding behind complex agreements written by bankers - the game is up - let's tell them no to this outrageous bailout, and ask them to come back again with something sensible:


Far too often, our societies' economic future, and our children's possibilities, are decided in back rooms by corrupt interests that are looking after profit, not people. This is one of those times. The bankers and the politicians they own think all this is too complex for the public to understand or even be interested. Let's show them how wrong they are.

With hope,

Alex, Iain, Antonia, Emma, Alice, Maria Paz, Pascal and the whole Avaaz team

More info:

NYT -- Hedge funds look to profit from Greek bonds

BBC -- Q and A: Greek debt crisis

The Guardian -- Cuts will not end the crisis

Reuters -- Bankers - Don't touch Greek deal now, write off more

Time -- Greece Debt Crisis: Have the Cuts Gone Too Deep?

The “End” of the Mayan calendar, Solar Flares and Earth Changes

We have now celebrated the Cosmic Convergence and there is less than one night and one day before the fulfillment of the evolutionary plan for all of creation (or at least the attainment of the top level). As predicted the Ninth wave of this plan, which is coming to a close together with the other waves of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011, has brought a tremendous frequency increase to the world. This has been experienced on a personal level by many, but it has also been easily visible in the spread of political and economical chaos in large parts of the world. The current instability is evident not only in what is actually happening, but also in the constant shifts in how events or developments are perceived and reported. Greece, for instance, is one day said to be bankrupt, another fully afloat with the help of the troika, and the next day it is again said to be bankrupt. One day the Ghaddafi regime has fallen and another it is again fighting only to have fallen the next day again.
In this world of uncertain interpretation of news alternative media on the Internet have gone in to try to fill the gap sometimes speaking with total certainty about impending catastrophes. There, one day the comet Elenin is said to create earthquakes and to set an end to the world, the next it does not exist and then it is back again (or was it planet X?). Anything, no matter how crazy or farfetched, can today find an attentive audience on YouTube and be presented as if it was serious information. To the instability of the world has thus been added information chaos and it is a common feeling among many that they do not know who or what to believe anymore. The mental framework within which people have understood the world is eroding and this, as much as the actual course of events, is a sign of our times. Some reject the meaningfulness of mental understanding altogether.
This erosion prepares the ground for a new opening and radical shift in our ways of thinking and relating and attests to the fact that much of the world has been shaken off its previous balance by the Ninth wave. Underlying all of this we may find a somewhat nervous expectation of something unknown and dramatic that is to happen. It is not surprising that in the minds of many people this expectation has been largely negative. After all, the development of the Ninth wave has been essentially predictable according to Revelation 16, where it is the seven days that bring the most destruction to the old structures of the world. Thus, progress along the old routes has step by step been blocked and the experience of a dead end to our current civilization has spread widely with little to yet show in terms of alternatives. The novelties that have been generated by the Ninth wave have thus in the world at large been few and far in between. While many may have had inner awakenings of oneness the external manifestations of these have been very marginal.
As part of the erosion of the current world I had predicted at a relatively early point, quite correctly, that the fifth day of the Ninth wave would be the energy that would precipitate the economic downturn (And the economy may be the best mirror of how humans relate to one another). This was in fact also the time when the so called “markets” truly started to be affected by the global loan crisis, which has since with every new shift point of the Ninth wave continued to deepen. The drawn out nature of this crisis does not change the fact that we are going towards a collapse of the economical and political system of the world and there are no signs that this could be averted. Growth in key countries such as the US and Germany has come to a halt (not to mention Greece and Italy), which in practice blocks all attempts for the repayment of debts.
The economic downturn has displayed some surprising elements such as the expressed desire of a choir of super rich to be taxed more heavily and the possibility that China will buy debt from Italy or other Euro countries to keep them afloat. I however find it hard to believe that any of this would actually happen and the feeling one gets is that the rulers are running out of tricks. Despite the dead end, it can however probably be said that life in much of the world still appears much like business as usual. Thus, no occurrence has yet been powerful enough to precipitate the collapse that many are expecting or fearing and it now seems that this will not happen until in the seventh day of the Ninth wave, October 11-28. If so, the end of the calendar may become a very marked discontinuity.
What we are witnessing is thus not another recession, but the end of the world capitalist system and the protests in the US against “Wall Street” may be an indication as good as any of this. One however gets the impression that as long as the old system survives there is no real opening to create a new world to replace it. To do so would be too much in conflict with the legality of the current dualist power structure and only after some kind of full collapse has occurred would people in general be compelled and inspired to create a new way of living and relating in the realms of politics and economics. To prevent such a new world from being born we can also be certain that when the collapse comes this will be presented by the powers that be as nothing but a temporary downturn. Such an illusion may then come to dominate many who lack the perspective of the Mayan calendar of an evolution towards unity consciousness and this also highlights the risk of believing those that say the calendar ends on December 21, 2012, which is something that will play right into the hands of those that want to resurrect the old system.
In addition to the deepened political and economical chaos the Ninth wave has also brought a marked intensification of many types of natural disasters sometimes in places they have never been seen before. This has generated an immense interest in all such phenomena and a genre of catastrophe fascination has emerged on the Internet where some are spewing out information of natural disasters without providing any context or explanation to why they may be happening now. Such events would include solar flares, comets, earthquakes, floods, heat waves and extreme winds, many of which have increased in the Ninth wave.
Some of these natural disasters that have been intensifying (floods, heat and cold waves, fires, extreme winds) are partly caused by human effects on the climate, but the same cannot be said about the seismic phenomena that are outside of our control to cause or manipulate. This is even more the case for so called Earth Changes generating altered coastlines etc that were initially predicted by Edgar Cayce as coming, but erroneously predicted to occur in the years 1958-98. Given the great interest in such today it is relevant to ask if they to some extent could be part of the cosmic plan and thus be predictable from the Mayan calendar. In The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (2004) I wrote: “At least some minor earth changes may thus result from the high frequency change in consciousness that the cosmos is now undergoing. But the reversal of cause and effect to generate a doomsday view where such earth changes are presented as the very purpose of this particular phase of creation is untenable. Any possible physical effects should be seen only as by products of changes in the consciousness field […]” and I still consider this statement as valid and important. Since the high frequency change in the Ninth wave is operating at several levels of the universe simultaneously, such as cosmic, galactic, solar, planetary and human, we would expect to see it manifested at all of these. While it may be hard to study its manifestation on the cosmic or galactic levels it seems possible to do so on the level of the sun, which increasingly is receiving attention for its flares. Are these flares, the largest of which within the Ninth wave have been summarized below, then related to the Mayan calendar?

Major Solar Flares
Cosmic Energy Change
X 1.5 – March 9, 2011
Beginning of First day (March 9)
M 9.3 – July 30, 2011
M 9.3 – Aug 4, 2011
X 6.9 – Aug 9, 2011
Beginning of Fifth day (July 31)
X 2.1 – Sept 6, 2011
X 1.8 – Sept 7, 2011
Beginning of Sixth day (Sept 5)
X 1.4 – Sept 22, 2011
Beginning of Sixth night (Sept 23)

This is a complex question that would require data accumulated over large periods of time to be analyzed that is essentially missing. Yet, it is noteworthy in the list above that there was a large solar flare at the beginning of the Ninth wave on March 9 as well as those at the beginnings of the fifth and sixth days. Hypothetically there might then exist a link between these flares and the Ninth wave of the Mayan calendar. Even though an intensification of solar activity is expected as part of any regular solar cycle, what is unexpected in the current one is that this activity seems to have been delayed for several years and is made evident only now in apparent synchrony with the Ninth wave. If this is true an intensification of solar flares would be expected towards the end of the Ninth wave in its the seventh day beginning October 11.
When it comes to seismic activity on our own planet, the link to the Mayan calendar is more clear as I have discussed in The Purposeful Universe. Thus, the continental drift is caused by pulses from the planetary tree of life in the Mammalian Underworld and this drift (also called Plate Tectonics) is the cause of all earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on our planet. Since the calendar is now about to come to an end we may thus also ask if the continental structure of the Earth, the global brain, will now be completed and if this will affect the stability of the Earth’s crust. If it does then maybe, the increased seismic activity in recent times derives from the fact that the inner core of the Earth, is now being fine-tuned for the transmission of the new unity consciousness from the Cosmic Tree of Life. Such a fine tuning may however from the perspective of us who live on its surface be experienced as particularly “fine” and could in fact have quite dramatic consequences. Regardless it is important to see that these are part of a purposeful plan.
This is the only reasonable explanation I have heard for why there would be an intensification of seismic activity at this particular time, an intensification which was certainly evident at the seeding of the Ninth wave through the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. If there is an increased seismic activity at the current time it would in other words be because the calendar is coming to an end. While this is speculative I will on my part chose to be at a seismically solid place as the calendar approaches its end.
As this most likely is my last communication before the Mayan calendar comes to an end on October 28, 2011, it may now also be in its place to discuss somewhat what this “end” may mean and of course is a question that has been discussed for some time. My basic answer would be that the universe attains its highest quantum state and creates a new stage for life (at the top of the nine-storied pyramid). It is thus a common misunderstanding that a “new” cycle will begin after the calendar comes to an end. This is a misunderstanding because what is coming to an end is not a cycle to begin with, but nine linear directed evolutionary waves. The only aspect of the prophetic Mayan calendar system that may be described as cyclical is the 260 day tzolkin and this is the only cycle that will come to an end. Yet, even if this cycle is important as a matrix of the energies of creation and personal resonance with day signs, it plays no role in driving the large scale evolution of the universe or its evolution of consciousness.
With this in mind I see three possible alternatives that may follow after the universe has attained its highest state: The first, and most dramatic alternative, is that all waves - as well as the tzolkin cycle - come to an end. This would likely mean an abrupt end to all future energetic regulation of our lives and actions and a sort of freedom shock. Life would be lived fully moment by moment by moment and each moment would be an eternity that would not be organically linked to other moments. The second alternative, which I am currently leaning towards, is that the waves end, after having accomplished their evolutionary purposes, but the tzolkin continues to provide some energetic background variation. This would still mean living moment by moment without any waves directing our evolution, but a daily variation of tzolkin energies could prevent us from experiencing life as completely timeless. The third alternative is that not only the tzolkin, but also the nine creation waves (Underworlds) continue indefinitely and the total of peaks and valleys not limited to thirteen. This would still mean that we would no longer be subordinated to directed processes going from seed to mature fruit, but it would not mean that life would be like an eternal now. Rather, all the waves that are currently driving our evolution would continue after the attainment of unity consciousness, but really without any end.
The latter view seems to have been held in the site of Palenque in ancient times, since calendrical dates deep into the future are mentioned there even if the dates in question cannot be considered as prophetic. I feel at this point it is not possible to tell with certainty which one of the three alternatives that will play out after the calendar comes to an end, but either one would amount to a fundamental discontinuity and a significant, if not total, transformation of our experience of life. Either one of them would mean the end to directed evolution and the freedom to just be. Maybe it is because they hear this call from the “future” that, despite the concurrent presence of some negative omens at the current time, I find a noticeable group of people who at this very time are coming home to themselves and are truly beginning to appreciate life exactly the way it is. Maybe after all there is a shift to unity consciousness going on and that the universe is now starting to allow us to just be whatever we are.

Carl Johan Calleman
Paris, September 30, 2011 (11 Eb)
8th day of the sixth night of the Ninth wave